MFP: Modular Fire Protection - Mifram Security
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MFP: Modular Fire Protection

MFP provides passive fire protection solutions for telecommunication and electrical power utilities, petrochemical, mining and resource industries, transportation industry and off-shore oil and gas platforms.

Cat. No. BMFR-174

MFP is first choice fire protection for an impressively wide range of structures, including high-rise offices and hotels, airports, retail malls, leisure complexes, public buildings, government institutions and schools.

DuraSteel single skin barriers can provide up to 4 hours fire resistance.

Each DuraBarrier module is constructed of a DuraSteel panel comprised of two sheets of galvanized, stainless or specialty metal mechanically bonded to a fiber cement core which forms a unique non-combustible material that is Fire, Blast, Moisture, Corrosion and Impact resistant.

Due to their relatively low weight, MFP’s walls, partitions and barriers require smaller and less complex foundations in comparison to poured concrete or concrete block methods. This can result in significant cost savings especially when dealing with retrofit applications.

With the benefit of modular construction, MFP’s DuraBarrier Blast offers a fast and safe original installation which allows for future disassembly and reassembly for maintenance, replacement, or relocation of the equipment or personnel protected.

Modular benefits ensures downtime and interruptions of the protected operating equipment are kept to an absolute minimum.

Although fire and blast protection is the DuraBarriers’ main objective its other inherent qualities should not be overlooked. Due to its ability to provide noise reduction and be finished in multiple finishes, the DuraBarrier provides the needed qualities for any installation.

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        Mifram Barrires Catalog

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