Concrete T Walls - Mifram Security
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Concrete T Walls

3 – 6 meter high concrete walls for the fast construction of a protective wall, effective against low trajectory weapons (including near misses), small arms fire, shrapnel and blast.

Cat. No. BMFR-152

Modular, prefabricated concrete walls brought to the area on trucks. Used for fast and easy wall construction.

The wall isolates the protected area from the threat area and is designed to provide protection for low trajectory fire, shrapnel and blast and to separate sensitive areas.

T walls protecting and isolating American infrastructures

Unit Dimensions
Thickness20 -35 cm.*
Width1 – 1.5 m.*
Height3 – 6 m.*

* According to model.


The use of modular, concrete sections creates a low cost continuous wall regardless of the terrain they are placed in.

Can be supplied in a range of heights and widths as per the client’s requirements and threat levels.

The concrete is reinforced concrete – strength as per client’s specifications.

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